Surrender through Self-Destruction

 The Militia fleeted up and began their patrol of the space trade lanes last night around Uedema.  The Kusion criminal gang was docked and active, with their scout and looter - Daxter Alabel - camping the Uedama gate in Sivala.

The normal operation for Daxter is to scan incoming ships for "illegal bling" [sic] or "gratuitous amounts of cargo", and then follow them into Uedema.  Once in Uedama, Daxter notes which gate the soon-to-be-victim warps to, and then orders the gank fleet to undock and warp ahead to lay in wait.  At times, Daxter will bump and hold his victim hostage in Sivala, and send his gank fleet there.

It was just such a night that the Militia delivered back-to-back saves.  The first was a Viator in Sivala.  

Militia scouts spotted the bumped Viator and Daxter holding close for warp-in.  The Militia sent a counter bump Omen and Logis to the grid.  With a well-timed and professional bump, the Viator was pushed out of optimal range as the gank fleet landed, and the shield and armor reps tanked the incoming damage.

The second consecutive save was at the Ikao gate. Daxter targeted an Eos and the gank fleet warped in.  Again, the counter bump and Logi reps tanked the damage.

As the MilItia fleet reset and scouted the gates, a very curious event occurred.  

The Kusion gank fleet arrived on the Sivala gate in their pods, and sat there. They did not jump through, nor did they warp away.  Eventually, someone activated their kill-rights and flashed suspect and continued to sit there.  

At some point, some random traveler arrived and took the opportunity to explode the pods.

A few may have warped off at that point, and the criminal gang flew toward Jita, not to be seen again during our patrol.

We understood this event as The Kusion clan was making a statement, speaking without saying a word.

We would like to think the gang was paying its respects to the Militia, and its demonstrated success at stopping crime on the space lanes.  And this perhaps was just his non-verbal way of saying "GF, you won, I'm tired of failing and leaving for greener pastures."

We'd like to think that, but it's sometimes hard to understand Space Mimes.

So all we could do was watch, and silently nod and tip our hats respectfully.

And for the time being, Uedama became safe and quiet.

Fighting crime in High Sec and Empire space requires patience, vigilance and determination.  But as our fleets prove time and time again, all it takes is a few good pilots who are banded together with a common goal - to make New Eden a better place, through selfless deeds and courageous action.  

And through such acts, anything is possible.


Unknown said…
Here is the gank fleet attempt from that night :

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