Field Report: Noodles and Bravery

There were reports that CODE was attacking miners in the Isanamo system.  Most of the belts were empty save for the occasional rats.  There was also an adventurous skiff, and this little guy.

Ventures had been targeted before, so I decided to sit and wait.  Inevitably, the combat probes came and centered upon the belt.  Then, a CODE agent appeared.

I don't recall a CODE agent crapping his pants and running, before.  But he certainly wasn't sticking around for the second volley.  Our little Venture friend just kept on mining.

And then, our round two contender showed up. But this one was from a different faith and creed.

It would seem the colander helmet gave this one more bravery.   She stuck around for the second volley.  I had hoped she would stick around so we could talk about her lord and savior.

But her pod warped off and we didn't get to discuss matters of faith.

This time, the Venture did warp away, but came back again.  The combat probes disappeared. It would seem that CODE had come to understand that this little Venture had a guardian angel, one that had stronger and bigger appendages, and one that shot back.

But New Eden is a harsh mistress.  Three Guristas Despoilers came and blew up the little Venture.

The little guy had been given several important life lessons in survival.  But at least this lesson would come without the CODE vuvuzelas.


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